Solar dryers – The backbone to Agriculture

Solar dryers – A boon to the agricultural industry First, let’s know what exactly drying is, The process of removing liquids/moisture content from solid materials by evaporation is drying at its simple. Goals of drying This process is intentionally done To...

Heat Pump-The Ultimate Climate Warrior

Next to the UK, It’s America on the line. Yes, Joe Biden’s massive American jobs plan envisions HEAT PUMPS as the door to the zero-emission home of the future. Biden plans this not only to push oil and gas out of the market but to save energy because heat pumps are...

Efficient way to Heat your Cabin

Nowadays technology is developing at the speed of a super-fast jet. The automobile industry is no exception to this. Electric vehicles are being adopted by people at a faster pace as concern towards the environment. But there are few challenges that electric vehicles...