Is your boiler truly efficient?

Is your boiler truly efficient?

Given that your boiler accounts for the majority of your heating fuel bill, I am sure you are constantly looking at ways to improve its efficiency.  In a typical industrial environment, even at its best, your boiler can only be 85% efficient. Do you monitor the...
Is your boiler truly efficient?

Free Solar Power for 18 years

Aspiration Energy is the only Solar PV (Electricity) Project Developer in India to offer 7 years BOT (@ Rs 7.00 per KWH) at the end of which you will own the system 100% and get free power for the next 18 years. We can use your factory roof top to execute power plants...
Is your boiler truly efficient?

SolarMax – 2

A follow up article on our earlier post SolarMax principle One example to make a difference between LoadMax and SolarMax amply clear is to take an example of Street Lights. Let’s take a standard model – Sharp Street Light. Lets take the model: SSLL 1018 The basic...
Is your boiler truly efficient?

Solar Energy Vs Solar Power – 2

In many public forums, I talk very loudly about Solar Power vs Solar Energy. I am not meaning the technical difference between Power and Energy. I am talking about what the market and general public understand.  The moment we mention “solar” – because of widespread...