by aspenergy | Nov 12, 2015 | Blog
A recent post in A thought provoking article stressing on much required move towards Solar Heating in Industrial process Heating. (SHIP) The article: solar concentrating system on the roof of bearing manufacturer SKF Technologies in Mysore The...
by aspenergy | Oct 15, 2015 | Blog
Given that your boiler accounts for the majority of your heating fuel bill, I am sure you are constantly looking at ways to improve its efficiency. In a typical industrial environment, even at its best, your boiler can only be 85% efficient. Do you monitor the...
by aspenergy | Jan 21, 2015 | Blog
It has been a month since I wrote a blog post. I noticed that there were few interesting programs I attended during the month of October and November but missed out writing about them. Thought of sharing it now, it is better to be late than never 🙂 I attended 2...
by aspenergy | Dec 24, 2014 | Blog
It was a focused gathering of Industry Engineers and few finance persons from the industrial belt of Hosur with an openness to know details on “Renewable Energy – Solar Thermal Systems” on 18th December 2014. The workshop was conducted by Aspiration Energy in...
by aspenergy | Nov 29, 2014 | Blog
New vacuum tube collector that generates heat up to 120 deg C. Very interesting article and technology. Our combined approaches of Integrative concentration™, StayLiquid™ , FlexiFlow™ are already creating temperatures like 110 deg C in our installation in Padi,...