Solar Energy vs Solar Power

Solar Energy vs Solar Power

When I was invited to this conference on Energy-Economy-Environment, I was very happy.  I was even super-happy to see the backdrop – as it had more mention of “Energy” than “Power”. But, the entire first half was devoted to power – and solar and wind power themselves...
Solar Energy vs Solar Power

Centralized solar plants, a death trap for birds?

California’s new solar power plant is actually a death ray that’s incinerating birds mid-flight. I am generally not a great fan of centralized solar plants as compared to off-grid and onsite generation. But, I have never thought of such seemingly simple technology...
Solar Energy vs Solar Power

Impact of budget 2014-15 on Solar

“₹500 crore provided for ultra modern solar power plants in Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Ladakh in Jammu and Kashmir.” ~says Finance Minister Mr. Arun Jaitley while presenting Union Budget of India 2014 From our CEO’s desk: So, what is the impact of budget 2014-15 on...
Solar Energy vs Solar Power

Fast forward to the solar future

  Do you hear Earth’s silent whisper?  What is she trying to communicate to us? Against the smoke, noise, draught, floods, even if she screams her distress, we actually might miss to hear her. Those who heard her distress, talk about going green, saving...