by aspenergy | Dec 18, 2014 | Blog
I approached the entire program with skepticism – A Government sponsored program? 1 month? Will it be useful? Germany? To think a country is taking such a long term vision of their international trade relations – by taking a bunch of business people...
by aspenergy | Nov 29, 2014 | Blog
New vacuum tube collector that generates heat up to 120 deg C. Very interesting article and technology. Our combined approaches of Integrative concentration™, StayLiquid™ , FlexiFlow™ are already creating temperatures like 110 deg C in our installation in Padi,...
by aspenergy | Nov 27, 2014 | Blog
“Sun and Wind alter global landscape, leaving utilities behind“, says The New York Times. We are just trying to get to Germany with our solar heating innovations. Energy Wende is a great term. In fact BMWi – the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy – is...
by aspenergy | Nov 17, 2014 | Blog
The Step-up, Step-down trap… This is the way the most energy systems in the world are built today – Electricity grids take the voltage all the way up to 11 KV (11000V), 33 KV (33000V) and 66 KV (66000V). Your home consumption may be at 230V (India) or 110 V (USA) and...
by aspenergy | Nov 7, 2014 | Aspiration Energy, Blog
Comprehensive tariff order on solar power – TNERC This is good in more than one way for the solar developers. How will Tangedco fund it without massive tariff rationalization is the usual question that lingers in my mind. If not funded well, the payments will...