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[grid6 title=”Enjoy free solar for 18 years”]
With our BOT financial model, you can lock energy costs for up to 25 years and enjoy predictable supply of electricity from solar, free of cost after the initial 7 years. Unlike other PPA arrangements, in our solar offering, you own the power plant. The cost per KWH during the 7 year period is Rs. 7. From the 8th year, you will own the solar plant and pay Rs. 0 for electricity.
The solar power plant is built using the most efficient and commercially available multi crystalline silicon solar PV cell that can maximize electricity generation for any given area. We offer both off-grid and grid-tie solutions. Our PV experts efficiently integrate your system with DC generators or net metering, as required.
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[grid6 title=”Solar plant engineered for maximum energy output”]
We understand that you need to get the most production for the least cost on your roof. We make sure that the solar system creates the power that is estimated, because the financial returns are based on the production amounts. Hence, we design solar power plants to maximize energy output.
Our detailed engineering design is based on the right selection of technology, detailed analysis of the rooftop structure and shadow analysis, assessment of load pattern against solar energy generation, and electrical interconnections.
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[grid6 title=”We Manage your Electricity”]
With our SolarVigilTM monitoring platform, we help you see how much solar energy is generated in real-time. You can compare this data with the actual solar energy utilized by your system. This will help you to harness the solar power to its maximum. We are also able to detect system anomalies proactively and prevent any breakages. Our analytical dashboards present minute-by-minute collected data readings into insightful reports.
We also provide continuous maintenance for maximizing energy output oriented towards the long-term performance of your solar system. Regular cleaning and vegetation control is constantly done to increase energy production.
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