Stop Losing Money on Fossil Fuels
Lock your Heating Energy Rates with Solar Thermal Systems
Rooftop solar installation for 40-120oC industrial processes
Energy security for
25 years
Replace 30-40% fossil fuel used – with clean green solar energy
Reduce carbon emissions in the order of 250-500 tons per annum
Our price per unit of energy (kCal/hr) delivered will ALWAYS be less than the cost per unit of fuels burnt in your boiler.
Why Solar Thermal?
Because they make great economic sense.
While you have a variety of choices for generating hot water required for your processes,
Solar Thermal can reduce your energy costs significantly
Solar Thermal can reduce your energy costs significantly

And Our Pay-As-You-Save Model Ensures That All The Above Benefits Come To You Without Capex
Highlights of our Solar Heating Solutions