Awards for Sustainable Energy in Automotive sector
Chennai Edition |1 Dec 2017 | ICSR Auditorium, IIT MadrasWhat is ASEA?
ASEA (Awards for Sustainable Energy in Automotive) is an award being given to recognize and catalyse adoption of sustainable energy and energy efficiency in the Indian automotive sector.
ASEA Awards Chennai Edition focusses on recognizing such companies in the Chennai zone.
Unlike other awards that provide recognition for sustainable energy use in industries, ASEA is the first and only industry award in India that combines the following two unique features:
- It focusses on sustainable energy use solely for the auto sector.
- It has a regional focus. Such regional recognition has significant potential to facilitate collaboration among the various stakeholders and increased adoption of best of breed solutions.
Owing to the above two unique focus dimensions – Auto Sector & Region – ASEA has the potential to dramatically accelerate sustainable energy adoption in the auto sector.
What are the Key Benefits from ASEA?
The Chennai edition of ASEA will result in the following benefits:
- Pioneering sustainable energy implementations get relevant exposure
- Cross pollination of best practices between auto companies in the Chennai region
- Overall catalysis for adoption of sustainable energy in the auto industry
ASEA can provide critical benefits to the following stakeholder sectors:
Industry – Every segment of the auto industry cluster in a particular region stands to gain from the cross pollination of pioneering solutions and ideas brought to the limelight through ASEA.
Academia – ASEA has premier academic institutes such as the IITs as its key stakeholders. By enabling academia to closely interact with the industry in their own region, ASEA can engender far more productive and practical industry-research collaborations.
Government – By having the respective state governments as key stakeholders in each of its region-specific editions, the ASEA awards act as a powerful platform to initiate meaningful interactions between the industry and government, which can pave the way for key government initiatives and incentives.
ASEA Award Categories
The following are the main categories of awards under the ASEA Chennai Edition:
Sectoral Awards – This is the overall award for sustainability for specific sub-sectors within the auto industry.
Value Chain Awards – This award is for those companies that have made pioneering efforts in sustainable energy not just for themselves but also for their upstream value chain participants and stakeholders (typically, suppliers).
Visionary Awards – This set of ASEA awards is to honor auto companies that have recognized the long term potential of specific sustainable energy solutions and have boldly invested in them in spite of their current challenges.
EcoMetric Awards – This award is for efforts in effective monitoring and analytics of the use of all forms of energy within the organization.
COP Awards – This set of awards is awarded to companies that have been able to take an overarching perspective towards carbon footprint reduction, over and above use of sustainable energy
SME Award – Specific awards will be given to small and micro scale companies within the auto sector that have pioneered sustainable energy use
Green Vendor Awards – This set of awards is for those companies outside the core automotive sector but are suppliers of components to the auto industry.
Date: 1 Dec 2017
Venue: ICSR Auditorium, IIT Madras