
  1. Avail a 28 kW heat pump at 25,000 per month for 3 months
  2. This will be equivalent to 24000 KCAL/hr or approx 600 Litres per hour of hot water generator. You will enter into a 12 months rental contract with an ability to cancel after the first 3 months
  3. You can choose to buy this heat pump during rental at the end of 3 months trial period, or continue to rent the heat pump for an extended period
  4. Limited time and limited quantity offer, available for 50 machines, enabled by special offer from our partners on committed volume of deployment


Any hot water application up to 70 deg C.

Typical applications

1. Pre-treatment at paint shops

2. Phosphating

3. De-greasing

4. Oil separation

5. Plating

6. Cathode Electro Deposition

7. Curing

8. Pickling

9. Component washing

As an added benefit, heat pumps can double down on your energy efficiency if there is a concurrent need for process cooling. This kind of application is prevalent in the food processing industries such as breweries, dairy etc.

What is heat pump?


A heat pump is a system, which moves heat from a cold zone to a hot zone. An example would be the refrigerator commonly used in our homes. Traditionally heat pumps are used to maintain “coolness” in conditioned spaces. However, in industrial applications we are interested in using the heat generated in the hot zone. Here is a comparison between the two systems:


Description Chiller Heat Pump
Process Refrigeration Cycle Refrigeration Cycle
Application Used for Process Cooling Used for Process Heating
Utilization Point Evaporator Condenser
Condensing temperature 30 to 35 deg C 80 to 90 deg C
Evaporating temperature 7 to 12 deg C 15 to 20 deg C


How does heat pump deliver lower energy costs ?


Heat pumps operate on the principle of vapour compression refrigeration system. In takes in energy from any ambient resource such as air, water or underground, and increases the quality of heat by adding extra energy. This extra energy is by using electricity.



What is the temperature attainable? Most heat pumps available in the market commercially provide you with hot water temperatures up to 75 C. Aspiration Energy’s high temperature systems can provide temperatures even up to 90 C. This is attainable through improvements in compressor operation and choice of refrigerants.


How much can I save?

An average of 40,000 per month


How does it save Rs. 40000 per month?

This matrix should give you an idea of the yearly savings (rupees) possible at different loads (kW) and percentage utilization (hours)


% Utilization/day


             90%          80%          70%          60%          50%
Average Load (kW)            
25         63,000             56,700        50,400        44,100        37,800        31,500
24         60,480             54,432        48,384        42,336        36,288        30,240
23         57,960             52,164        46,368        40,572        34,776        28,980
22         55,440             49,896        44,352        38,808        33,264        27,720
21         52,920             47,628        42,336        37,044        31,752        26,460
20         50,400             45,360        40,320        35,280        30,240        25,200
19         47,880             43,092        38,304        33,516        28,728        23,940
18         45,360             40,824        36,288        31,752        27,216        22,680


How is the above table calculated?

The energy saved is calculated based on the average load at percentage utilization of 24 hours.

Energy saved = Load of the heat pump x No. of hours x Cost of Electricity x Savings from Heat Pump x No. of working days in a month

For example 

At 18 kW load and on running 50 percent of the day, Savings of a heat pump = 18 * (24*0.5) * 7 * 50 % * 30 = 22680 rupees/ month


  • Note: Heat pump is conservatively assumed to save 50 % of existing energy cost
  • The heat pump is assumed to run 30 days in a month
  • Electricity cost is assumed at 7 rupees/kW

What are thermal systems?

  • Boilers: steam, hotwater, thermic fluid generators
  • Direct fired hot air generators
  • Furnaces
  • Resistance/induction heaters

How do we measure?

Using two temperature sensors and a flow meter. The heat pump outlet and the inlet temperatures are measured and the flow rate  


How is the heat delivered calculated?

By simple calculation, Heat delivered = (T2 – T1) * Mass Flow Rate * Specific Heat of Water


Can I use it for a single shift operation in my plant?

Yes, it would be technically feasible without a doubt, but the savings, in economical terms would not be substantial – around Rs 30,000 per month for even for full load conditions

Do you get cold air from the heat pump?

Yes, cold air can be a free output from heat pumps in the evaporator side. However they cannot be used for Air conditioning processes as the temperature delivered will be in the range of 15 to 20°C

Is a CAPEX Model available for buying the same heat pump?

Yes, Heat Pumps that are available in Capital Investment Models with accelerated depreciation benefits


Write us at info@aspirationenergy.com or call us at 044 – 42185301 to know more